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Site Content (c) Neme.


Position: Drums
Band History: ¨—•‰Ø–ö`Aikaryu`
Birthday: September 14, 1977
Blood Type: o
Height: 170cm
Weight: 58kg
Hobby: Music Appreciation
Tobacco: LARK mild
Respected Person: Nicholas Parker
Favourite Perfume: Nothing, really.
Favourite Brand: Nothing, really.

Personal Profile

õNameõc ULI
 õGenderõc Male
õPartõc DRUMS
õBirthdayõc 9/14
õZodiacõc Virgo
õBlood Typeõc O type
õResidenceõc Kyoto
õBirthplaceõc Kyoto
õPerformer that you resembleõc Hamada
õHeightõc 170cm
õWeightõc 58kg
õShoe Sizeõc 25cm
õHobbyõc Music Appreciation
õSpecial Skillõc Parking in a garage
õGrip Strengthõc 200,000kg
õHairdoõc Crew Cut
õFavourite phraseõc "shibbo~
õCharacterõc carefree
õTobaccoõc LARK mild
õSomething you're proud ofõc Mouth is stubborn
õModel of Cell Phone you're usingõc Tu-Ka
õFavourite type of girlõc A pretty person
õFavourite Wordsõc [[I can't translate this exactly, but basically he says there are too many to list.]]
õFavourite performerõc Nakama Yukie (Trick, Gokusen actress)
õFavourite foodõc Shrimp tempura
õDisliked foodõc Potato
õFavourite drinkõc Coffee
õDisliked drinkõc Tomato Juice
õFavourite subjectõc English
õDisliked subjectõc Mathematics
õFavourite TV showõc guruNAI
õFavourite Movieõc Face Off
õFavourite Magazineõc YOUNG MAGAZINE
õFavourite Manga(Comic)õc KAIJI
õFavourite Musicõc Black Metal
õFavourite Brandõc COMME CA DU MODE
õFavourite Perfumeõc Citrus-y smells
õPerson you Respectõc Nicholas Parker
õFuture Dreamõc To live in a (seperate) house
õA way to pass a holidayõc Go to a manga teahouse
õRight now, what's the one thing you want most?õc Motorcycle
õRight now, where's the place you want to go the most?õc Ayers Rock
õSong you sing often at karaokeõc Alone
õFirst bought CDõc Barbee Boys
õMY BOOM (current obsession)õc Game center's online mahjong
õIf you were to be born again..õc Foreigner
õSomething that is necessary for world peace isõc Heart
õAnyhow, something you want to requestõc I want to beat a 'blast beat'
õSomething you're wonderingõc Why are foreign celebrities fast to that extent?
õOnly here talkõc I was able to be bald